Yogi Shanti Desai's PublicationsOther MediaDVD
New! Yoga for Balanced Living - Yoga Workout DVD $12.00 This 60-minute DVD can be used along with Shanti's Hatha Yoga Practice Manual by Yoga students of all levels. The DVD begins with a 4-minute introduction and biography of Yogi Shanti followed by a demonstration of his personal flowing routine. The step-by-step instructions, narrated by Yogi Shanti Desai, with healing mantra chants in the background, demonstrates yoga positions for beginner through advanced students. Students are encouraged to create a personal flowing routine for themselves using the approach they will learn in this informative and inspirational hour. Video
Yoga for Balanced Living VHS Video
Inspirational Hatha Yoga program for beginning through advanced students. Audio Tape
Healing Mantra Chants
(Volumes 1 & 2) $13.00 25 mantras with instrumental accompaniment; sung by Yogi Shanti and students |