Yogi Shanti Desai's PublicationsDynamic Balanced Living
Dynamic Balanced Living
$3.00 Dynamic life is to get the most out of life by learning to flow with life. First one explores his goals and inner potential. Then he balances all phases of life with efficiency to to gain maximum benefits. He uses a dynamic approach in all situations and flows with life. Anyone who can think and breath can achieve it. From the book...Excerpts Goal of Life People may have various desires or goals in life, but basically everyone is searching for the same ultimate thing, which is perfection and Self Realization. Some are searching outside while others search inward. One has to choose the SELF or the NON-SELF (world.) The direction toward self brings freedom and peace, while the direction toward non-self brings bondage and suffering. Self is the innermost core of our being. Self is the source of bliss. Self is ours at all times. Self was before birth and will survive death. Self is there during sleep and when we are unconscious. Everyone has the potential to realize self and to become free. Non-self (world) is everything outside of the self. It changes constantly. It gives an illusion of happiness. We can not control it or hold on to it. Even if we find success, no person, thing or situation can give us lasting happiness. One can find true happiness, if one learns the art of balancing life while maintaining an awareness of the higher self. Tools for Happiness and Self-Realization One needs four basic tools to find success in life or to find the greatest joy and freedom in life: Health, Money or Material Prosperity, Time and Wisdom. Means and Direction Towards Goal For a journey, one must choose an appropriate vehicle (the means) depending upon the road conditions (journey of life). One needs a different vehicle to travel on land, water or in the air. One must choose the destination and set the course. You may take detours, short cuts and rest. Set up a safe speed and focus on the road while reaching the destination. If one focuses on the vehicle and speed alone, ignoring the direction, he may travel in circles and get lost. Evaluation And Introspection 1. How much time and energy do I direct for my true self? How much energy do I waste trying to please the world? Conditioning, Illusions And EscapesIllusions 1. Illusion that happiness is found outside. I shall be happy when I move out of the noisy city and move into the quiet country. Happiness is not outside but within us.
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