Yogi Shanti Desai's PublicationsHatha Yoga Practice Manual
Hatha Yoga Practice Manual
$12.00 Complete book of Yoga Asana practice. Large format 8" x 11" with 383 glossy illustrations; showing beginning through advanced postures. New! Buy Hatha Yoga Practice Manual with either Yoga for Balanced Living - Yoga Workout VHS Video or Yoga for Balanced Living - Yoga Workout DVD and save! From the book...Excerpt WHAT IS HATHA YOGA? There are various paths of Yoga to suit persons of all temperaments. Bhakti Yoga is devotional Yoga, karma Yoga is the path of selfless service, Gnana Yoga is the path of knowledge and wisdom, while Raja Yoga is the path of meditation. All of these paths lead to the ultimate goal of Self-realization. The path of Raja Yoga is very systematic and scientific. It includes eight systematic steps and is called Ashtanga Yoga, 'the Yoga of eight limbs.' These steps are: 1. Yama or control of five lower qualities. 2. Niyama or cultivating five positive qualities. Yama and Niyama together are the ten commandments of Yoga. They are in line with the moral commandments of most religions. 3. Asanas or postures. 4. Pranayama or control of breath and the life force within the body. 5. Pratyahara or control of the five senses. 6. Dharana or concentration. 7. Dhyana or meditation. 8. Samadhi or absorption in bliss consciousness. The preparatory steps for Raja Yoga are called Hatha Yoga. 'Ha' stands for sun or positive energy, and 'Tha' stands for moon or negative energy. Hatha Yoga involves contolling and balancing our body and mind through the control of 'Prana' (energy). Hatha Yoga includes: Yamas and Niyamas (ten moral disciplines) to keep the body and the mind in rhythm with the universe, Asanas (postures) to purify the body, Shat Karmas (six cleansing techniques) to remove the waste from the body, dietary disciplines and fasting, Pranayama (breathing techniques) to control the nervous system, and Mudras (gestures) to purify the Nadis (astral nerves). One becomes ready for concentration and meditation after mastering Hatha Yoga. With mastery of Hatha Yoga, one can conquer disease, old age, and death. The body is like an earthen pitcher. The pitcher does not hold water. By tempering it with fire, it becomes strong enough to hold water. One needs to strengthen the body with the fire of Hatha Yoga. Hatha Yogi Gheranda recommends seven steps to the mastery of Yoga. 1. Shodhanam (purifying the body) which is accomplished by practicing Shat Karmas (six cleansing techniques). 2. Dridhata (strength and firmness of body and mind) which is accomplished by practicing Asanas (postures). 3. Sthairyam (steadfastness) which is attained by practicing Mudras. 4. Dhairyam (patience) which is attained by practicing Pratyahara (sense withdrawal). 5. Laghavam (lightness of body) accomplished by Pranayamas (breathing techniques). 6. Pratyaksham (direct perception) attained through Dhyana (meditation). 7. Nirliptam unaffectedness from outside forces) attained through Samadhi. Our body can be compared to a car engine. It is a live and sensitive engine which requires more care and attention. With proper care and maintenance it can go on forever. The human engine runs on food, water, and air. Water and air (prana) are high test gasoline because they provide instant energy, while food is a secondary source of energy. Most of us primarily rely upon food which is a low quality fuel and produces lots of waste. Nature has built the system for the removal of waste. If one remains in rhythm with nature, the body works efficiently. Since we live in an unnatural environment, and abuse our body from time to time, we need extra care for the removal of waste. One should lubricate the body by yoga postures, tune it with breathing and meditation cool this engine with yogic relaxation, and purge it with Shat kriyas and fasting like an oil change. The text books of Hatha Yoga include Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Gheranda Samhita, Shiva Samhita and Goraksha Paddhati. Table of Contents What Is Yoga?..... 1 |