Yogi Shanti Desai's PublicationsMeditation Practice Manual - Original Edition
Meditation Practice Manual
- Original Edition
$10.00 This, the third of Yogi Shanti Desai's books, present teachings that come from his personal practice and experience as well as from ancient scriptures, and reflect a harmony of thought, word and deed, which is so rare in the world and yet so evident in the life of Yogi Desai. Only a few few copies of the classic first edition are still available through this site only for only $10.00 From the book...Excerpt BENEFITS OF MEDITATION Meditation is always rewarding. No effort in meditation is ever wasted. Even surface meditation brings fulfilling rewards. Meditation produces instant relaxation, removing stress and tensions, It brings peace and harmony in life. One taps the hidden sources of energy and becomes creative in physical and mental enterprises. This gives him success in sports, business, or human relations. One becomes peaceful and composed and can work efficiently without rushing. One attains clarity of mind and develops intuition, which help solve many problems. Most problems are created by confusion of mind and are imaginary. With meditation, one's vision expands and one can sort out life and its values. This clarity also helps in removing deep-rooted problems, complexes, tensions and wrong habits, and works out Karmas. Meditation purifies body and mind. It removes physical ailments and heals the body. It removes emotional problems and heals psychosomatic diseases. It purifies the spirit. Purity of spirit means freedom from attachment to body, mind, world and lower self. One becomes stable of mind (Sthitapragnya). One remains peaceful under all circumstances. One attains the knowledge of Self (the highest knowledge), which removes ignorance, the cause of all suffering. Our conscious life is like the surface of the ocean, with waves of restless thoughts. Meditation takes us to the ocean floor where there are no waves. In meditation one dives deep within Atman and comes out with valuable wisdom. After experiencing the inner light, one's false attachment to the mundane life disappears, as the glow worm's light disappears on a moonlit night and the moon's light disappears in the presence of the sun. One recognizes himself to be a reflection of God (Atman), deriving all his energy from this source. Table of Contents1. Meditation And Its Purpose Page..... 1 2. Concentration And Meditation..... 5 3. Stages Of Meditation..... 7 4. Experiences In Meditation..... 9 5. Benefits Of Meditation..... 10 6. Aids To Meditation..... 11
7. Obstacles To Meditation..... 24 8. Preparation For Meditation..... 26
9. Ending Meditation..... 31 10. Bhakti Yoga Meditation..... 32
17. Meditation And Faith..... 115 18. Meditation And Love..... 118
20. The Spiritual Path..... 132 21. Initiation..... 136 22. Preparation For Initiation..... 141 |