Yogi Shanti Desai's PhilosophyMeditation
The purpose of meditation is to know thy self. Our true Self (Atman) is the true source of happiness (Bliss) and wisdom. It is covered up with many layers of ignorance. The clouds of ignorance hide the bliss experience of the Self. The ignorance is identifying our self as body, senses, mind or intellect. We further identify with possessions, people and belief system. As these layers are gradually removed, we get closer to the Self and experience glimpses of bliss. As one moves closer to the Self, his mental horizon expands. One gets stuck in the traffic jam and does not know where to turn. The traffic reporter with the aerial view can see the traffic pattern and direct the traffic on the ground. Meditation gives us a panoramic vision of life to rise above petty attachments, find peace and expand our love to others. Meditation is to remove the memories and regrets of the past, fantasy and worries of the future and to settle in the present. One cultivates aloneness of the Self. With this, one gains wisdom, intuition and direction in life. Most problems in life are imagined, created by a restless mind. When the mind settles down, one can eliminate these illusions. With meditation, restlessness is removed and the underlying reality of the Self is experienced. Our normal experiences are objective experiences, which are colored by mental disturbances. The reality is twisted, which is the cause of human suffering. By experiencing reality as is, one becomes free from illusions and finds bliss. The mind is the cause of bondage or freedom. Meditation involves taming the mind using awareness (Gnana), devotion (Bhakti), Selfless service (Karma) or scientific control of body, senses and mind (Raja Yoga). The experience of reality is that only consciousness exists while the universe is impermanent and incomplete (illusive). Behind all the names and forms in the universe there is only the reality of universal consciousness, just like gold is the essence of all golden ornaments. As the illusions are removed, one remains content within his own Self. The mind can be made quieter simply by awareness and observation of the breath. The activity of breath and mind are closely connected. When the breath becomes slower the rhythmic the mind also becomes sharper and clearer. One finds freedom from stress and basic health problems. You can gain mastery of compulsive behavior, remaining in the present and acting wisely. This turns daily activities into meditation. This is the primary stage of meditation and can be attained by an average person at any age or physical condition. One learns to apply meditation to everyday life situations such as while driving, cooking or waiting in line. During the activities of the day, one can remain centered within and slow down the breath. One maintains conscious awareness and a desire for liberation (Mumuksha) as an undercurrent, and cultivates wisdom (spiritual discrimination) to see the impermanent nature of the world and gains renunciation. This practice is called Active Meditation. During the quiet sitting meditation, one harmonizes his body, energy, mind, intellect and consciousness. Meditation involves removing deep-rooted mental impurities (Sanskaras). This is accomplished by mindfulness (Concentration) and insight (Vipashyana). One cultivates sharpness of mind with concentration practice. With equanimity of mind (Samata) one observes the impermanent nature of his existence. He allows deep impressions of the mind (Sanskaras) to manifest and release through the body as sensations and through the mind in the form of imagery. After removing Sanskaras, one experiences reality as pure consciousness and attains liberation. This practice is known as Passive Meditation. Anyone can apply these techniques from waking up until going to sleep using active and passive meditation techniques to turn their entire life into meditation. Meditation TechniquesSit comfortably and steadily for passive meditation. Be aware of your breath. Observe it passively. The breath flows in and out. Observe it as a witness without judgment. You observe the breath as if you are sitting on the bank of a river and watching the river flow. Many thoughts and distractions come due to habits. Ignore the thoughts and they will go away. If you resist, fight or try too hard you will be trapped. Success comes in small steps. You have to be patient and persistent in practice on a regular basis in sitting meditation and remain aware frequently during the day whenever you think of it. It will become second nature. The results are subtle and you should not be attached to gaining quick results. The sign of progress will be indicated by inner tranquility and bliss that is different than the normal experience of pleasure or excitement. The breath will slow down simply by watching it. Breath and mind are closely connected. The mind also will slow down. Distractions will be removed. The mind will become sharp like a sharpened knife used for surgery. This mind becomes worthy of introspection and awareness to perform the surgery of dissecting life's experiences and seeing the reality behind them. A quieter mind awakens consciousness, which is a neutral observer. It watches and observes everything without getting involved. This awareness is considered to be rooted in the Self. One tries to maintain this awareness to get firsthand intuitive knowledge, apply it and find transformation. These processes will all happen simultaneously. This transformation means you have removed deep rooted addictions or There is another technique to become more rooted in to the Self. Be aware of the breath going to your inner permanent center (Atman), when you breathe in. Be aware of the breath flowing out into infinity (Brahman) when you breathe out. There is a transition period between breaths, where there is stillness that transcends mind, time and space. Awareness of the flow with the breath provides concentration to slow down the mind. Negations & AffirmationsSelf as Infinity (Brahman) Active meditationOne uses life and situations in life as a school to learn spiritual lessons. One uses selfless service to expand consciousness. One experiences universality with all living creatures. One sees that all creation is interconnected like beads in a garland with a common thread of supreme consciousness. Everyone is like a wave in the cosmic ocean of life. One experiences his own existence as the ocean instead of the identity of an individual wave. The individual wave has a beginning and an end, while the universal ocean is immortal (Sat), consciousness (Chit) and bliss (Anand). One harmonizes his own life to remain in rhythm with the universe. The acts we perform to remain in rhythm are called Dharma or the universal law. Dharma is the way for personal and universal transformation. Process
Personal AttunementI accept myself. Negations to Eliminate IllusionsOurs Mine Me